I also dabble in investments, livestock - Farm Page , and sports - Sports Page
To paraphrase Robert Heinlein - Specialization is for insects. I keep myself occupied with a variety of interests and hobbys.
What's happening in Preble County, Ohio? Enquiring minds want to know! Visit the Twin Valley Publications or Register Herald to find out! News, Sports, Ads, and more..
Wuz up in Dayton, OH - The nearest Metropolitan area - Active Dayton
Can animal mutilation and crop circles be far behind??? Gratis UFO's
...or are the women of Preble County safe with Big
Foot lurking in the woods???
Computerus Geekus in his native habitat: To see me
click here A moment to remember why I do the things that I
do; don't talk about it - doit.
Where's supper? - pic from winter of 98-99
If you are a food processor in or near SW Ohio and have food waste that you need to get rid of please contact me. ;Instead of paying money to have food by-products hauled to a landfill, we may be able to make a deal to haul it away. ;This would be for food unfit for human consumption, but suitable for animal feed. Contact me via email.
email: Chris Tilton
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