Tilton Family year in review: 2002
Highlights and lowlights
It's been an OK year for us. The only blemish was a small fire that we had in the kitchen in November. We are remodelling the kitchen and upgrading the wiring in the house.
Still working at Guyler Buick in Middletown. Purchased a new 2002 GMC Sonoma pickup truck.
Sophomore at Wittenberg, although she is talking about switching majors and colleges. Engineering and Florida State respectively. She no longer does distance running, but she was a coxswain for the Wittenberg Crew Rowing. Oh, and she joined a soriety on campus.
8th grader at TVS. Good grades - except for shop class. Did volleyball for the first time this fall and liked it. But her favorite sport is still basketball. She is averaging around 8 points per game.
5th grader. Played football for TVS this year. He was an offensive and defensive end. He is getting good grades and is behaving better in school.
Workers Comp is dragging their feet on treating her back. She has some soft tissue damage, but the last specialist found that a bone is missing in her back. So she is still in some pain.
Still working at LexisNexis. Raising cattle. I started a peewee football program for Twin Valley South this last fall. What an adventure that was. Had fun coaching, it was great to be doing football again. Plan to resume coaching AAU basketball this spring. Went Pike fishing in Canada this summer, it was a great time. Caught lots of Pike and Bass; saw an otter, beavers, loons, bear, deer, and a bald eagle.
Chris Tilton
Last modified: Fri Dec 20 10:31:34 EST 2002