Y2K - Despite dire predictions of doom, when the clock struck midnight nothing happened. We yawned and went to sleep.
Highlights and lowlights - Vanessa had problems with the growth plates on her hip due to running. It affected her in the spring for track, but in the fall it seemed to clear up. Still she managed to get the school record for the 1600m run (5:22). The old record had stood since 1978. Vanessa got the Most Valuable Runner award at the sports banquet. In the summer, she qualified for a program from UD where she got to take a college class on campus. She also went to a special program at Youngstown - Ohio Business Week for High School Seniors. This fall, Vanessa ended up being the only runner on the Cross Country team. Two girls quit after the first week, the other quit after the second meet. But Vanessa had a good season. District Runner up, regional qualifer, made the all-county and all-league teams. Got a bucket full of ribbons, medals and trophies. She got a letter from the track and CC coach at Murray State, but she did not followup. The fall sports awards banquet was a night to remember. They introduced Vanessa as the only member of the girls CC team. They told of her season and all of her awards. The boys CC team stood up and began to applaud, then the whole auditorium stood up and gave her a standing ovation. Becky and I were both a little teary eyed.
Vanessa is looking at Defiance, Wittenberg, and Lake Erie Colleges. She looked at Wright State, but didn't get a good feeling about the school. It felt too big. The other three schools are smaller, so she may be more comfortable with one of them. At this time, Accounting is what she is interested in as a career.
In January, Chelsea officially passed up Vanessa in height. At this time Chelsea is about 5'6", Vanessa is 5'3". Chelsea's TVS basketball team was 4th in the league and 4th in the tournament. Her AAU team was a few games over .500, but saved the best for the last tournament. They played against some teams that qualified for the nationals and got 2nd place. Chelsea threw the Discus over 50 feet and the shot 19 feet this summer. She also went to Cedar Point and helped build a shelter for pregnant teenagers.
Joe long jumped 7'6" this summer. He played his first year of tackle football for Preble Shawnee. It got off to a shaky start when he took a shot to the neck on the first day of contact. But he shook it off and did fine. He played Tight End and Safety. No speed, no size, but plenty of heart. They were just under .500, their best game was when they tied an undefeated Dixie team. Dixie went on to win the league super bowl. When we came home from the awards banquet, Joe fell asleep in the back seat with his football trophy in his arms. Joe got third place for most original costume at Halloween. He made the Paladin costume all by himself. He is playing basketball at the YMCA in Middletown.
Chad continues to attend Sinclair and work at Slemckers Buick. Moved out for a few months, but is back home for now. He should graduate in the spring. Also the '56 Pontiac that he has been paying for the last 2-3 years is getting close to being paid off.
Becky had some back problems at work (Beare's Restaraunt.). She went on Worker's Comp., but Beare's then did away with Breakfast and layed her off. So she is not working, but is undergoing treatment, and is receiving compensation. She is wearing a back brace now. Her Boston Terriers are doing fine. She sells several litters a year. Becky is 5'7", and Chelsea is counting the days until she passes her up. I am thinking sometime this winter, or early this spring that Becky will have to start looking up at Chelsea.
Me: It has been an interesting year to say the least. Worked hard on the Y2K stuff at work over the winter. There were some minor bugs found, but nothing major. Played basketball over the summer and lifted weights. Still doing cattle - it is a small herd, about 10 cows, a bull, and a calf being raised for freezer beef. Oh, and I had a 'minor' medical condition in late August. A heart attack. Spent time in the hospital were they did an Angioplasty. I guess that I inherited a tendancy for my triglyceride levels to skyrocket (800 to 1000 levels, normal is under 200.) Even though I lifted weights 2 times per week, my poor diet allowed plaque to build up in the arteries and there was a 100% blockage of the artery that feeds the front of the heart. But the good news is that as long as I exercise right, stay on my diet, and take my medication, I should be able to lead a normal life. Well as close to normal as I can get...
Got the green light from the doctor to resume coaching - I was the offensive line coach for Joe's team -when I got back in late September we had several Woody Hayes style, clock eating drives in the second half, "Three yards and a cloud of dust" we did this against Dixie and controlled the ball for 2/3 of the game; and I am back to coaching basketball.