Directions to my place:
From the Dayton Mall area (about 25 minutes) - Take 725 West thru Miamisburg. Follow to Germantown, continue to Gratis(another 8-9 miles). After you pass thru Gratis, you will go about 2 miles. Look for a large white church and a dairy farm on the left side of the road. This intersection is Quaker Trace Road. Note if you miss this intersection the next town is Camden. Anyway, at Quaker Trace you will turn right (North). You will go almost excactly 1 mile to another intersection. The is an old one room brick school house at this intersection - the school house is part of the property. The road sign shows Barnets Mill to the left and Aukerman Creek to the right. Turn right (East). Goto the first house on the left. White house w/ white barn. Parking in the field by the house is OK. Click here for map.
We are about 15 minutes N. of Middletown, OH; 25 minutes E. of Richmond, IN; & 30 minutes W. of Dayton, OH.
RECREATIONAL PLAYERS: Contact me if you have a group interested in coming out. Some member of the old group that used to come out have moved away. So we don't play at my place as frequently as we once did. But if a group wants to come out email me and we can work out the details. Bring your own air, your own paint. I do own a chronograph, so all markers will be chrono'ed.
NEXT RECREATIONAL OUTING: Now I am leaning more towards scenario and big games. Plan on going to Three Wise Men outside of Detroit Aug. 24 with my son, daughter, and whoever else wants to tag along as the "Miami Valley Marauders" (MVM)
Other Scenario games:
--->>> .
Farm size is about 32 acres. There is a shallow creek that runs down the West side then cuts across the lower third of the property from West to East. There are several sections of woods. The entire length of the creek is lined with trees. This 'tree belt' varies in width from 50 feet to about 200 feet. There are several ravines. There are several places where the land is too uneven too farm and there are trees in these locations. There is an 'L' Shaped band like this in the back field that is from 100 to 150 feet in width. So there is plenty of cover. Plus we have built some redoubts in strategic places. We now have a hamburger hill, Fort Apache, Mekong Delta, a pillbox, and other fortified area's. We use the back field for speedball, and the more heavily wooded front area for creep and peep. Here is a rough map; blue = water; green lines are boundaries of trees.
Bring your own equipment - goggles are mandatory!
Oh yeah and the
cows are off limits - no shooting the livestock!
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Last modified: Fri Dec 28 07:09:07 EST 2001