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Chris Tilton's blog
Monday, March 18, 2013
Random thoughts on san antonio tx

Had a good time visiting Joe in Texas.  He looks sharp in his dress blues.  I enjoyed watching the graduation and coin ceremonys. Joes squadron was awarded a 'Warrior' status for their performance during basic.  Joe was nominated to be a honor graduate, but the Drill Instructors superiors turned it down.  But at least it was considered.  On the other hand, he got a compliment from his DI during the coin ceremony.  The other graduates he gave a courteous 'good job, good luck', but to Joe he said, " good job Tilton, you are going to go on and do great things."  So he must see something in him.

Sea World was fun, the zoo was a good time, and we did see the Alamo.  I can see why it was over run - Low, thin walls. One thing I noticed was a lot of women that wore skirts and cowboy boots.  Not saying it's a bad thing, but its a different look.  The river walk in San Antonio was a good time, but it got crowded in a hurry due to it being St. Patricks day.  We finally got tired of fighting the crowds and called it day.  But not before having a nice steak at the Salt Grass Steak House.  Poor Sam ordered the least expensive steak, but it turned out to the biggest steak - she could only eat half of it.

 Our GPS was confused at times - I think it is due to the access roads that run next to the highways for one.  But the first night we had a devil of a time finding our motel. I could tell that we were heading away from civilization.  The lights were getting fewer and I could swear we could see the glow of the eyes of coyotes by the highway.  We finally gave up and called them for directions.  

Becky survived her first plane flight.  She was so nervous before we left, but really enjoyed the trip out.  Any more I don't like heights, so I just read or watch a movie on the tablet. But on the way out she wanted me to look out the window and look down on  this or that.  But really I just want to read and forget that I am 10,000 feet up in the air. So I reluctantly looked out the window.  Now we did get some turbulance on the last leg back to Dayton, but she managed it just fine.  

Joe's girlfriend went with us and was a trooper through out the trip.  They are still very serious and very attached.  The plan is to get married once he is finished with tech school.  Then she will go with him to whereever he is stationed.   Which at this point could be South Carolina, Europe, or Japan. 

At the graduation was a father of one of the graduates.  He had a red beret and all sorts of campaign ribbons and stripes on his sleeves. One of the other graduated asked him what he did - "I kill bad people" was the reply.  The graduate then asked well can you elborate a little more - "I am very good at it" was the responce.  Sounds like a guy that you would not want to mess with. 

There is a small museum on base. And I did a double take when I saw an ancient man in World War 2 aviator gear complete with goggles in one of the exhibits.  He entered the air force in 1943 and retired in the 1970's.  So he had some stories to tell. We got a picture of him and Joe - grandma Susan had the best comment when she saw the picture, "before and after."  I was thinking that could be me someday - a living museum exhibit - 90 years old standing next to a Atari 1200 or an IBM mainframe in a computer museum.  "Let this be a lesson to you boys, save for retirement or you'll spend the rest of your life working like me..."

 I did enjoy the weather in San Antonio, temps got progressively warmer during our stay and were to be in the 90's our last day. Quite a contrast to Ohio, it was spitting snow when we left.  Joe is changed.  Very polite, very mature, very meticulous with an attention to detail.  He is so looking forward to tech school and getting on with his career. Right now he is at Shepards AFB in TX.  Unfortunately he is in an old section of the base as far as living quarters and shares a dorm room with 2 other guys.  So he isn't happy about that, but is happy that basic and the DI's are behind him.   



Posted by christ77 at 8:17 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 12:49 PM EDT
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