Hope that you survived Beast week OK. I guess they gave you gear to keep you warm at night. It’s Saturday morning here and it’s snowing lightly. Since I am on call I am just staying inside today. Got the wood burner fired up, so I’ll be staying warm and cozy. Listening to some old tunes today – Green Grass and High Tides Forever by the Outlaws, some Marshal Tucker and Charlie Daniels.
Lots of stuff going on at work, I am going to Columbus next week for a couple of days. There is a program written by a contractor that needs fine tuned. So I have no idea how it is coded. It’s always fun to dive into someone else’s code and try to figure out what they doing. Also the vendor will be there for the device that the software works with – so no pressure to perform at all!
By the way I don’t know it the latest fad hit before you went to boot camp or not but you remember how gangnam style was a hit on the internet and all? Well the latest internet fad is the Harlem Shuffle – it started in February, but I am not sure if it was before you went in or not. Anyway it is a song compiled by a guy from Brooklyn. And there is a dance called the Harlem Shuffle invented like over 10 years ago – he just put a song to it and gave it the same name. Any way there is a bunch of youtube video’s out about it.
So being a hip guy and all, I wanted to find out some more about it. There are few lyrics, but there is a lady singing some phrases in Spanish. Come to find out that one of the things she says : ‘Con Las Terristoristas’ means “With the Terrorists”! Only in America could a hit song have that in it. I just shake my head and smile.
But on the other hand I look at another aspect of it. Only in American could you have the multi-culturalism to make it happen. A dance created by a black guy, a latino song writer who compiled the song, and the first hit youtube video for the Harlem Shuffle was made by some white guys in their college dorm room. That’s America – everyone working together to make something happen.
Spoke with Vanessa on the phone this week. Had not talked with her in a while and so I wanted to catch up. She is doing well. Her job is keeping her busy of course. They have a nice tax refund coming and so they are going to catch up bills and put some of it back for a trip to Alabama. I guess that is the closest beach for them.
Power just went out for a minute – fortunately the document autosaved. Well the power flashed 4 times, even Chelsea and Dan were affected in Gratis. Oh their refund is messed up – turbotax said that they would get $4k but their deposit was only $2k. I think it is because they are behind on their student loans and they kept so much to pay them. Also I have not seen any tax document from Last Chance Garage – so you need to contact them and have the mail out the W2 so you can do taxes.