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New Sport at TVS
J. C. Tilton

Several months the school board at Twin Valley South gave their approval for a new winter sport. So the 2004-2005 school year will see the introduction of Wrestling. According to Athletic Director Dan Bassler, there was strong community and student interest in getting a program started. He feels that this is a good move as “Wrestling will give more kids an opportunity to participate.” Not everyone is tall enough to play basketball or big enough to play football, and this will give athletes who would otherwise be sitting around over the winter the opportunity to stay busy.

Since wrestlers compete against other athletes of the same weight class, a 105 pound athlete can be just as successful as a 210 pound athlete. It is up to the individual and how hard they want to work. At a typical meet the individuals will compete in one or sometimes more matches in their weight class (depending upon the size of the meet). Each match will consist of three rounds. The wrestler can win with a pin, outpoint their opponent, or get the competitor in a hold that forces them to give up. The individual results are combined into a team score.

This first year the team will compete at the Junior Varsity level, then the team will advance to a Varsity schedule. A coach has been hired, Jim Jewett from New Lebanon. A strong candidate for the junior high coaching position has been identified, but has not been officially hired as this article is being drafted. The school will lease a wrestling mat for the first year. The team will practice in the commons area of the school building. Athletes who plan to participate will need to provide wrestling shoes and headgear. There will be meetings and a Wrestling camp this summer. Comments:

email: Chris Tilton


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