TVS 1 and 2 in CCC Meet
J. C. Tilton
The CCC meet was held on a soggy Saturday. It was not a good day for the sprinters - who generally like it hot, but the distance folks liked the change in temperature. The South boys team dominated with 177.5 points, doubling up on their closest competitor, Tri Village (77) to win the CCC Championship. National Trail was 5th with 62 points, TCN was 8th with 43.5 points. The TVS girls (106 points) finished second to Covington's 145 points . TCN was 7th with 51 points; National Trail was 8th with 40 points.
Local finishers: Girls 4X800m relay 4th TVS 11:07.30. Boys 4X800m 3rd TVS 8:50.2, 4th TCN 8:56.3. 100m hurdles 2nd Magen Maleski TVS 16.7, 7th Laura Green TCN 18.6, 8th Katie McCollum TVS 18.8. 110m Hurdles 1st Caleb Betzner TVS 15.3 2nd Mike Rodefer National Trail 16.3, 6th Scott Leedy TVS 17.3. 100m dash 3rd Kari Summers TVS 13.5. Boys 100m 2nd Jobe Hickey TVS 11.6.
Girls 4X200m relay 6th TVS 2:01.30, 8th TCN 2:13. Boys 4X200m relay 2 TVS 1:39.7. Boys 4X200m relay 1st TVS 1:37.9. 1600m run 2nd Tiffanny Daugherty TCN 5:47.8, 6th Jessica McMurray TVS 6:07.4. 1600m run: 1st Drew Rivers TVS 4:34.60 3rd Gabe Savage TCN 4:42.30 4 Nathan Wirrig TCN 4:53.4, 7th Paul Brissey TVS 5:07.4. Girls 4X100 relay 3rd TVS 54.3, 7th TCN 58.9. Boys 4X100 relay: 1st TVS 46.1.
Girls 400m: 3rd Brittany Horstman TCN 66.3, 8th Erica Mt. Castle TCN 75. 3rd Ben Anspaugh TVS 54.10, 4th Daniel Donaldson TVS 54.2. 300m hurdles: 2nd Jennifer McWhinney National Trail 50.0, 3rd Magen Maleski TVS 50.30, 7th Katie McCollum TVS 54.1. 300m Hurdles: 1st Caleb Betzner TVS 42.4, 2nd Jobe Hickey TVS 42.8. 800m run 1st Tiffanny Daugherty TCN 2:33.1, 6th Jennifer Bambeck TVS 2:41.4. 800m run 1st Drew Rivers TVS 2:00.0, 2nd Gary Rivers National Trail 2:08.8. 5th Nathan St. John TCN 2:11.9.
Girls 200m dash: 4th Kari Summers TVS 27.7. 3rd Daniel Donaldson TVS 24.1, 8th Kevin Dolan TCN 24.7. Girls 3200m run 4th Jessica McMurray TVS 13:35, 8th Tiffanny Daugherty TCN 14:18.2. 3200m run 2nd Gabe Savage TCN 10:24.40, 5th Nathan Wirrig TCN 10:41.9, 7th Adam Martin TVS 11:13. Girls 4X400m relay 5th TVS 4:42.8, 6th TCN 4:47.1. 4X400m relay 1st TVS 3:33.1, 7th TCN 4:05.2.
Girls Discus: 5th Kayla Gisewite TVS 84-09,7th Lindsey Daugherty TCN 79-01, 8th Stacey Fullmer TCN 76-11. Boys Discus: 1st Ray Buchanan TVS 132-10, 2nd Jesse Simpson TVS 131-11. High Jump: 3rd Katie McCollum TVS 4-08. High Jump: 1st Josh Unger National Trail 6-00, 2nd Tyler Loxley TVS 5-10, 2nd David Hawley National Trail 5-10,5th Bryan Nuse TVS 5-06, 7th Travis Perry TCN 5-06. Long Jump 1st Kari Summers TVS 16-02.50, 4th Molly DuChemin TVS 15-01. Long Jump 3 Chad Wentlander TVS 19-03.50, 7th Steve Bierly TCN 17-08.50, 8th Travis Perry TCN 17-08.25.
Girls Shotput: Nikki Chapman TCN 32-10, 3rd Kayla Gisewite TVS 29-03.75, 5th Stacey Fullmer TCN 28-07. Shotput: 1st Jesse Simpson TVS 39-11.5, 3rd Ryan Phelps TVS 39-02.75, 5th Sean Lefeld TCN 37-05.75. Pole Vault: 1st Molly DuChemin TVS 10-00, 2nd Magen Maleski TVS 9-00. Pole Vault: 2nd Bryan Nuse TVS 12-00, 6th Jacob Unger TVS 10-06.
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