4-H Shooting Sports Camp
J. C. Tilton
This past weekend the Montgomery/Preble County 4-H Shooting Sports Club along with the NRA sponsored a shooting sports camp for interested youngsters. Certified instructors were on hand to give proper instruction and ensure safety. The cost was nominal - only $10 and the youngsters recieved a free lunch and t-shirt. The location of this event was the Middletown Sportsmans Club. This is a nice 80 acre site with a small lake for fishing and numerous areas for the shooting enthusiast. They offer trap and skeet shooting, a rifle and pistol range, a cowboy competition shooting area and a nice clubhouse with snacks and beverages. This is located to the North of Middleton about 2 miles off of 122. Also on hand that day was the Ohio Department of National Resources, they had a trap shooting simulator setup - also they had brochures on hand for hunting, trapping, and fishing. Another attraction for the youngsters was a mobile pellet gun shooting range that the Montgomery/Preble County 4-H Shooting Sports Club typically used for fundraising, but was made availiable to the youngsters on Saturday.
After check in the youngsters were assigned to groups. Each group visited the respective shooting sports areas. This included the blackpowder rifle, rife, shotgun, CO2 pistol, and archery. Each station had certified instructors that gave the youngsters a run thru of the safety procedures and then proper use of the equipment. The purpose of the one day camp was to give youngsters a chance to sample each of the shooting disciplines offered by 4-H so that they can decide which one is the most appealing to them. The group that I tagged along with seemed to have a good time overall. And I learned a few things too. It was nice to get tips from real experts. And according to a safety video that the youngsters had to watch at the beginning of the day, the gun accident rate in the US is actually on a downtrend from what it was 30 years ago. I have to believe that programs like this that reach out to our youth at an early age to teach safety and respect, are part of the reason for the increased safety awareness in todays youngsters. Comments: email: Chris Tilton
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